Washington Elementary STEAM Magnet 


Rodger Ashworth, Shawna McIntosh and I designed and created this MakerSpace. Here are some of the current features. 

  1. 6 Nesting Tables with Task Chairs (36 total in room)
  2. 6 Mobile Workstation Utility carts
  3. 8 Computer Tables with locking cord management tray with Task Chairs
  4. Lego Wall
  5. Two - 3D Printers
  6. Interlocking floor mats for individual or group floor work
  7. Redesign of storage cabinets using plastic containers to organize Robotic kits and STEAM resources and materials
  8. Mobile whiteboard

Physical Space Design  - VIEW SLIDESHOW

WES MakerSpace

Front view of room with presentation station  

Nesting Tables

Nesting Tables -
How they work to repurpose space

West view of room

 Interlocking rubber floor mats for floor work

Robotic Kits

3D Printer Station

Back view of room with storage cabinet doors removed to organize maker kits and materials

Computer Desks
All-in-one desktop computers (15) on Computer Desks located on both sides of the room- Note the depth to allow for work space when not using computer

Task Chair - Molded polyurethane seat & back 

Ikea Utility Cart

Workstation Utility Cart

Mobile Whiteboard student for student use

Lego Wall and Little Bits Pro Library Installed. I used an extra Little Bits Panel to organize the Lego Bricks by size and installed next to Lego Wall.

Room view

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